Can You Use a Drywall Sander on Plaster?

Drywall sanders are a common tool used in home renovations, but if you’re working on a plaster wall, you might be wondering if it’s safe to use the same tool.

With the right technique and preparation, you can use a drywall sander on plaster walls and achieve a professional finish.

Can You Use a Drywall Sander on Plaster?

It’s possible to sand plaster with a drywall sander, but you’ll need to take precautions to avoid damaging the walls. First, use a dust mask to avoid inhaling any loose particles from the dust created by the sander. Second, be sure to use a fine-grit disc to reduce the risk of damaging the plaster.

Read on to learn how to tackle this tricky task.

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Can You Use a Drywall Sander on Plaster? – Guide

Drywall sanders can be used on plaster and drywall, but the results may not be as perfect as using a plaster sander.

Plaster sanding requires more precise control because of the nature of the material. Drywall, on the other hand, can be sanded quite well.

Benefits of Using a Drywall Sander on Plaster

If you’re considering a drywall sander for your plaster project, there are several benefits to using one.

A drywall sander can save you time and energy, and it will also help you achieve a smooth, even finish.

Here are some of the top benefits of using a drywall sander on plaster:

1. Sanding is faster with a machine

When you use a drywall sander, the sanding process will be much faster than if you were to do it by hand.

This is because the machine does all the work for you – all you have to do is guide it along the surface.

2. You’ll get a more even finish

Another benefit of using a drywall sander is that it’s easier to achieve a completely even finish.

When you sand by hand, it’s easy to miss spots or create uneven lines. But with a machine, everything will be evenly sanded for a flawless look.

3. It’s less tiring than sanding by hand

If you’ve ever sanded something by hand, then you know how tiring it can be after just a few minutes.

With a drywall sander, there’s no need to worry about getting tired arms – the machine does all the work for you!

Considerations When Using a Drywall Sander on Plaster

When sanding plaster with a drywall sander, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • First, be sure to use a dust mask or respirator to avoid inhaling the plaster dust.
  • Second, it’s important to sand evenly to avoid creating gouges or uneven surfaces.
  • Third, be sure to vacuum up the dust regularly to avoid clogging the sander.

And finally, don’t press too hard when sanding – let the weight of the sander do the work.

Tips for Using a Drywall Sander on Plaster

If you’re planning on using a drywall sander on plaster, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

  • First, be sure to use fine-grit sandpaper. Coarse-grit paper will damage the plaster surface.
  • Second, avoid using too much pressure when sanding. This can also damage the plaster.
  • Third, move the sander in small, circular motions to avoid creating gouges in the surface.

And finally, be sure to vacuum up any dust after sanding to avoid breathing it in.

Can You Use a Sander to Sand Plaster?

A sander is a tool that uses sandpaper, abrasive material, or a wire brush to smooth a surface.

When sanding plaster, the sander should be set to a low speed, and use fine grit sandpaper.

Start by sanding the plaster in a circular motion, gradually moving to a back-and-forth motion. Be sure to sand evenly, so the surface is perfectly smooth.

For example, if you were to sand a plaster wall, you would begin by attaching a fine-grit sandpaper to the sander.

Then, you would move the sander in a circular motion, making sure to sand the entire wall evenly.

Once you have sanded the entire wall, you should switch to a back-and-forth motion, continuing to sand until the wall is perfectly smooth. Once you are finished, you can use a damp cloth to wipe away any excess dust.


No matter what type of wall you are working on, it is important to be aware of the right tools and techniques to use when sanding.

A drywall sander may work on some plaster walls, but it is important to consider the type of plaster, the condition of the wall, and the desired outcome before beginning any sanding work.

The right tool and technique can help you achieve the perfect finish, while the wrong one could lead to costly and time-consuming repairs.

I hope this blog post is helpful for you in understanding can you use a drywall sander on plaster.

Read Also: Can You Use a Drywall Sander to Remove Paint?


Can You Use An Orbital Sander On Plaster?

Yes, you can use an orbital sander on plaster. However, it is important to use the correct sanding paper and technique to ensure a smooth finish.
Start with a coarse grit sandpaper and work up to a finer grit to achieve a smooth finish.
Additionally, you should use a dust mask to protect your lungs from the dust particles created by sanding.

How you can use sander for plaster?

Using a sander for plaster is a great way to smooth out imperfections and make the surface of the plaster even.
To use a sander on plaster, start by sanding the area with medium grit sandpaper.
After sanding, switch to a finer grit paper and sand the area again. To finish, use a very fine grit paper and sand the area a third time.
Make sure to use a light hand when sanding and to keep the sander moving in a circular motion. Once sanding is complete, the plaster should be smooth and even.