Can You Use Orbital Sander on Drywall?

Drywall is a popular material used in modern construction for its ease of installation and versatility.

Can You Use Orbital Sander on Drywall?

Yes, but orbital sanders are not designed for use on drywall. For sanding on drywall, you’ll want to use a sander with a sanding pad, like the Dremel 7500R Orbital SDS.

In this article, we will delve into the details and explore the feasibility and best practices of using an orbital sander on drywall.

See Also: What Is Orbit Sander?

Can You Use Orbital Sander on Drywall? – Guide

Whether you are working on a renovation project or patching up a hole, achieving a smooth finish on drywall is essential.

One common question that arises during the finishing process is whether it is possible to use an orbital sander on drywall. Here is the guide to use orbit sander on drywall:

1. Understanding Drywall and Orbital Sanders

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s understand the characteristics of drywall and orbital sanders.

Drywall, also known as gypsum board or plasterboard, consists of a core of gypsum sandwiched between two paper layers. It is used to create interior walls and ceilings.

On the other hand, an orbital sander is a handheld power tool used for sanding various surfaces.

It operates by moving the sanding pad in small elliptical orbits, which helps in achieving a smooth and even finish.

Orbital sanders are typically used for woodworking projects but can also be utilized for certain applications on drywall.

2. The Benefits of Using an Orbital Sander on Drywall

Using an orbital sander drywall offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows for efficient and faster sanding compared to manual methods.

The oscillating motion of the sander minimizes the risk of creating visible sanding marks or uneven surfaces.

It is especially useful when dealing with larger surface areas or when trying to achieve a uniform finish.

Secondly, an orbital sander equipped with the appropriate sandpaper grit can effectively remove imperfections, such as ridges, bumps, or excess joint compounds, resulting in a smooth and professional-looking surface.

It can also be used for feathering the edges of patched areas, and seamlessly blending them with the surrounding drywall.

3: Limitations and Precautions

While using an orbital sander on drywall can yield excellent results, it is important to consider certain limitations and take necessary precautions.

One significant limitation is the possibility of creating excessive dust. Drywall dust can be hazardous to your health, as it contains fine particles that may irritate the respiratory system.

To minimize the risk, it is crucial to wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including a dust mask, safety goggles, and clothing that covers your skin.

Furthermore, an orbital sander’s aggressive sanding action can potentially damage the drywall surface if not used with care.

It is advisable to start with a lower grit sandpaper to avoid removing too much material at once.

Gradually progress to finer grits until you achieve the desired smoothness. It’s important to maintain a light touch and let the sander do the work, moving it in smooth, even strokes.

4: Best Practices for Using an Orbital Sander on Drywall

To achieve optimal results when using an orbital sander on drywall, follow these best practices:

  • Prepare the workspace

Clear the area of any furniture, cover surfaces with drop cloths, and use masking tape to protect adjacent walls or surfaces from accidental damage.

  • Inspect and repair

Before sanding, inspect the drywall for any cracks, holes, or loose paper. Repair any damage using joint compound and allow it to dry completely before sanding.

  • Select the right sandpaper grit

Begin with lower grit sandpaper, such as 80 or 120, for initial sanding. Move to finer grits, such as 220, for smoothing and finishing.

  • Sand in stages

Start by sanding the entire surface using long, even strokes, moving the sander in straight lines.

Then complete the sanding process by focusing on specific areas that require additional attention, such as seams, joints, or patched areas. Be cautious not to over sand, as it can weaken the drywall or create uneven surfaces.

  • Clean up the dust

After sanding, use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment or a damp cloth to remove the dust from the sanded surface. Ensure that all dust particles are eliminated before proceeding with priming or painting.

5: Alternative Methods for Smoothing Drywall

While using orbital sander drywall can be effective for smoothing drywall, there are alternative methods worth considering:

  • Manual sanding

For smaller areas or delicate touch-ups, manual sanding with sanding blocks or sandpaper can be a suitable option.

It requires more time and effort but provides better control over the sanding process.

  • Wet sanding 

Wet sanding involves using a damp sponge or sanding sponge to sand the drywall. This method reduces dust significantly and allows for smoother results.

However, it requires additional care to avoid oversaturating the drywall, which could lead to damage.

  • Pole sander

A pole sander is a useful tool for sanding large wall or ceiling surfaces. It provides extended reach and enables sanding without the need for ladders or scaffolding.

However, it may not be as effective in achieving a completely smooth finish compared to an orbital sander.


Can you sand drywall with an orbital sander? Using an orbital sander on drywall offers efficiency and smooth results. Precautions are necessary to minimize dust and prevent damage.

Follow best practices, consider alternatives, prioritize safety, and be patient to achieve desired outcomes.

I hope this blog post is helpful for you in understanding can you use orbital sander on drywall. Now you know more about sanding drywall with orbital sander.

Read Also: Can You Use Orbital Sander on Drywall?

can you use a orbital sander on drywall?

Can i sand drywall with orbital sander? Yes, you can use an orbital sander on drywall. Orbital sanders are commonly used for drywall finishing and smoothing surfaces.

can i use a random orbital sander for drywall?

Can you use an orbital sander on drywall? Yes, you can use a random orbital sander for drywall. Random orbital sanders are effective for smoothing drywall surfaces.

can i use an orbital sander on drywall?

Yes, you can use an orbital sander on drywall. Orbital sanders are commonly employed for drywall finishing and smoothing surfaces.

can you use palm sander on drywall?

Yes, you can use a palm sander on drywall. Palm sanders, also known as finish sanders, can be effective for smoothing drywall surfaces. Use the right sandpaper grit (typically 120-150 for finishing) and be cautious not to apply excessive pressure to avoid damaging the drywall.

can you use an electric sander to sand drywall?

Yes, you can use an electric sander, such as a palm sander or random orbital sander, to sand drywall. These sanders are effective for smoothing drywall surfaces.